Crooked Bush near Hafford, Saskatchewan is a small grove of aspen trees that have developed a genetic mutation that makes them grow in a very interesting way. You can only find these trees in this one specific spot in the world making them extremely rare and special.
Also known as the Crooked Trees you can find this tiny little place if you are willing to go looking for it. As soon as your arrive here and see the trees you will know that the drive was worth it.
The Crooked Bush is only 100km northwest of Saskatoon or 80km northeast of North Battleford making the it perfect location to visit on a Saturday when you have nothing else going on.
Crooked Bush is located on private land but is taken care of by the "Friends of Crooked Bush" where there is a boardwalk that protects the roots from people visiting the place.
Make sure when visiting that you remain on the boardwalk, do not climb on the trees, break any branches or carve your name into the bark. These trees have only been found in this tiny little area and if we want others to enjoy them it is up to all of us to protect the area!
The best time to visit is in the summer when the trees are green and sprouting leaves. The area is quite small, maybe only an eighth of an acre so this isn't a hiking location. There is a picnic bench if you want to bring lunch and enjoy this special place. There are many birds that live in the area giving you the perfect music while enjoying Crooked Bush.
SaskHIker Recommendation
This location is very close to Saskatchewan's largest and oldest tree, the Popoff Tree. I reccomend visiting both Crooked Bush and this special cottonwood tree in the North Saskatchewan River Valley.
You can find more information about Saskatchewan's Largest and Oldest Tree here and how to plan a full day of exploring both these natural wonders.
Getting There
The easiest way to get there is to get on Highway 16 and head towards the town of Radisson. Once there you will see a sign that directs you North to Hafford on Highway 340. Be warned that this highway isn't in the best of shape. (However, there is an elk farm about 8km south of Hafford that I recommend stopping at to see the herd)
Once in Hafford, take highway 40 west towards Speers for 15 kilometres. You will then head north on Alticane Road. It is marked with a sign.
Follow the grid road for 16 kilometres. You will then come to the interstection of RD 452 and Alticane Road. There is a small farmyard at this intersection.
Turn left (west) at this intersection. This is not a 4 season road so proceed with caution if not in a 4x4.
Follow this gravel road for 2.5 kilometres and you will see the Crooked Bush on the right hand side. There is a parking lot in which to pull in.